Update: Crazy changes

SO much has happened since my last post.  We have been dealing with Bugs allergies and stuff.  Now we are facing another major issue in her life.  Ever since she was a baby she has been a "Picky" eater as it is called.  We were always told she would out grow it, but she has not.  Since the revelation of all her food allergies and her MRKH we are thinking they are all connected.  Currently she is in the 1% of her BMI.  Her Ferriton levels (which is part of her iron levels) are currently at 14 when normal range is around 37.  She has been low for the last year and a half and her amazing dr. has been monitoring it, we had hope when it reached 22, but this is lowest now. 
   Buggy is an amzing young lady, she is growing faster then her weight can allow.  Currently we are in the process of getting outside help for her.  There is no help available here in New Mexico so we have turned to Denver.  We have found some great drs. who are helping us find the correct process to help us deal with her issues.  She has been diagnosed with "Food Aversion" or Phobia.  We are not sure exactly how or why, either from all her food allergies and her bodies way of not allowing certain foods in her.  She has an intensive aversion to meat, she has never eaten red meat, unprocessed chicken, or any other type.  And only certain types of meat or food will she eat. 
   You are probably wondering how her MRKH is all tied into this, and the answer is we are not sure but the Drs. want to do a complete GI work up to see if any thing is related to everything.  We have so many unanswered questions.  We are in the process of the all the technical issues (such as insurance, appointments and other).  We hope to be there about the end of Feb.  We will stay for 2 weeks of intensive testing and counseling.
  Our rush and concern for this is 1st: her weight and health are greatly affected and 2nd: We need to get this eating issue under control before she gets older and the realization of the MRKH takes affect and could spiral her eating issues. 
   She has an amazing support group in her family and friends, and we take each challenge together and let her take the lead on her feelings and emotions.
  So the next few months will be very exhausting and trying.  We have had responses that have helped me feel we are doing the right thing and that we are not  alone.  Her case is very unique just as she is, and it always warms my heart to know we are not alone.  Any comments of support are always greatly appreciated and held close to my heart.
  So for now we are buckling our seatbelt and hanging on for the ride as take the next step.


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